Transpersonal Regression Therapy - Past Life Regression Therapy
What is Regression Therapy?
Regression means: returning to an earlier stage. Regression therapy assumes that every problem has a cause, a source or origin. In regression therapy we return to the origin with the help of a kind of trance (also called strong focus, no hypnosis). We can come across a situation from your youth, your childhood et cetera. For example you were bullied, belittled or you experienced fierce situations and you are still suffering from this. Or you are suffering from something and you don’t understand why this is or what it is, e.g. vague complaints. In trance we return to the situation that your conscious and/or body still remembers. You are with your conscious in the here and now, but as well as in the there and then. And that is what makes this therapy so healing, you can retrieve lost, forgotten, suppressed or undigested experiences to your current consciousness, whereby you can heal it in the here and now. There are beautiful techniques for this. This can be tensive and emotional at times. And exactly then we know we are at the correct spot, we found the problem. Every problem carries the solution.
The session can usually be divided in two parts; a regression part and a part wherein we do energy work to release all charges and do integration.
What is Transpersonal Regression Therapy?
This therapy is called transpersonal regression therapy, because we come across many instances wherein the ordinary boundaries of personality are crossed.
Instead of situations that we recognize from our current life, impressions come up of situations that we don’t know; unknown places, unknown persons, even spiritual impressions etcetera. All these impressions are taken seriously and worked with. We don’t judge.
Instances we can come across:
• Prenatal experiences
• Inner Child Work; parts of ourselves stuck in a situation, not able to continue.
• Experiences in the Life Between Life (LBL)
• Experiences of lives in other times
• Accidents and operations
• Attached energies of others or loved ones
• Internalizations and pattern of oneself
• Internalizations and patterns through generations/ family legacies
For this therapy you don’t have to believe in reincarnation or past lives. The healing works in the way the unconsciousness shows it to us. I take every impression (an image, sensation etcetera) seriously so that together we can come to the origin.
We live in the here and now, why would we look back?
We assume that ‘old pain’ wants to be healed. It wants to be seen and recognized. As long as this healing doesn’t occur, a complaint will keep repeating itself to indicate that this is the spot where this ‘old pain’ is present. The problem carries the solution.
The international professional association EARTh has produced two movies about regression therapy. Tasso-teachers have contributed to them. The movies are in English, but subtitled in many languages: Why Regression Therapy: the view of the experienced en Discovering Regression Therapy: a Love Story.
What are the general reasons for Transpersonal Regression Therapy?
• Affective disturbances, moods, worries, depressions
• Relationship problems
• Addictions: drugs, alcohol etc
• Phobias, Fears and insecurities.
• Problems at work
• Eating disorders, obesity, anorexia and bulimia
• Physical ailments and complaints
• Violence and sexual abuse
• Sexual problems and incest
• Obsessions and compulsions
• Power and control
• Anxiety, nervousness and mental instability
• Isolation and suicidal thoughts
• Inhibitions and blocks
Reasons for more explanatory nature are:
• Meaning of life, finding the life purpose
• Wanting to retrieve memories of past lives
• Recurring dreams
The international professional association EARTh has produced two movies about regression therapy. Tasso-teachers have contributed to them. The movies are in English, but subtitled in many languages: Why Regression Therapy: the view of the experienced en Discovering Regression Therapy: a Love Story.
Past life Regression Therapy –
Past Life Regression Therapy (PLR) is very efficient and effective therapy. There has been many books written on this and many prominent mental health professionals have validated the therapeutic aspect of past life therapy. What a normal psychotherapy can achieve in months of sessions or perhaps even years the same can be achieve in few hours of past life therapy session.
A past life therapy is not only liberating and transforming it also helps in addressing and healing the reason for its activation and its consequences.
Besides healing the presenting issue of the client a past life has other benefits, here are a few:
• Fear of death diminishes or disappears
• A sense that you were not born by chance in your family; there is a thing called life plan and life introspection
• A sense of oneness with the body and mind – clarity and healthy relationship with the body
• The cynical, dogmatic and orthodox nature disappears when people see themselves as souls in different bodies, different roles, different cultures and different religions.
• Beliefs that are rigid and negative disappear.
• Awakening of consideration and compassion for pregnancy, infant and children.
• The whole cycle of birth and death becomes clear – like adults have inner children, children have inner adults and a child operates from her inner knowing and that is why every child is different.
• Tapping into the journey of the soul is in itself full of wisdom and self-knowledge leading to a fulfilling life.
• Understanding that dying well is very important.
We have seen tremendous results with Past Life Therapy in various kinds of issues.